Upcoming Appearances
Tuesday, March 18th @ 10am
Rick Acker moderates Hooked on Books ((and I’ll be on hand as well.)The book club will be reading and discussing I Think I was Murdered. No reservations necessary.
Tuesday, March 18th @ 4pm
Colleen Coble & Rick Acker host a writing class for Teens/Tweens (This will be a registration required event on the library website: https://foleylibrary.librarycalendar.com/events/month)
Wednesday, March 19th @ 10am
Colleen Coble reads The Blessings Jar at Children’s Storytime
Thursday, March 20th @ 6pm
Behind the Scenes with Colleen & Rick @ Library Meeting Room (Charcuterie Board) – This will be a cozy, get to know you evening. This will be a registration required event on our website: https://foleylibrary.librarycalendar.com/events/month
Saturday, March 22nd @ 10am
Foley Civic Center – Book Launch, Talk & Signing with Colleen & Rick – No registration required – see flyer below.
Throughout the week we will have an indoor scavenger hunt in the library. (Colleen will draw the winner @ big Saturday event)
Throughout the week we will have an outside map scavenger hunt throughout the area. (Colleen will draw the winner @ big Saturday event)