Because You’re Mine

because-youre-mine-final-195x300Suspense is my favorite genre, and I am thrilled to bring you a novel with the suspense quotient upped. Because You’re Mine releases January 10th, and I can’t wait to hear what you think of it! It was inspired by the Celtic Woman band as well as some events that happened here in Indiana.

Here’s the back cover information:

Alanna has been plagued by tragedy. So it should come as no surprise that in the beauty that surrounds Charleston, all is not as it seems.

When her husband is killed by a car bomb while their band is on tour in Charleston, Alanna doesn’t know where to turn. Her father-in-law is threatening to take custody of the baby she carries, but the one thing she knows for sure is that she can’t lose the last piece of Liam she has left.

Their manager offers her a marriage of convenience to gain her U.S. citizenship and allow her to escape her father-in-law’s control. It seems like the perfect solution . . . but her doubts begin almost as soon as she arrives at Barry’s family home, a decaying mansion surrounded by swamp.

To make matters worse, Liam’s best friend survived the car bomb. She’s never really liked Jesse and now she can’t seem to get away from him. When he takes Liam’s place in their band, it’s almost more than she can bear.

But then things start happening. Things that could easily cost Alanna her life—or the life of her unborn child. Are they merely coincidences? Or is there something much more sinister at work?

img_5813 img_5816 img_5820 celtic-woman3I was thrilled to meet Celtic Woman in December. Tara looks like Alanna just stepped out of the pages of Because You’re Mine!

Cambodian Children’s Home

cambodia-2015-ravi cambodia-pilot-siela-babyI want to tell you about an amazing ministry I’m involved with through missionaries Dan and Gail Powers. The Cambodian Children’s Home is doing amazing work among the Cambodian people. The picture to the left is of me with Ravi, a little girl who stole my heart. The Khmer Rouge devastated the country of Cambodia, and with millions killed by the Communists, thousands and thousands of children were left orphaned and on the streets. Pilot Nhap was a child when his father died, and he and his brother and sister became one of those statistics. Pilot scavenged food where he could for his younger brother and sister (8 & 5) and though a child himself, managed to keep them all alive. They ended up sleeping under the porch of a church, and the pastor gave him a job cleaning the church. More importantly, the pastor told him about Jesus, and Pilot became a Christian in a Buddhist country.

God raised him up with a huge heart for his people and for the children suffering the same fate he endured. He and his wife Siela started a children’s home, rescuing the children they found digging through the garbage. Visiting the home is like stepping into a tiny piece of heaven right there on the dirty streets of Cambodia. The children are happy, fed, and attending school. They feel accepted and loved by their new mother and father. Even more importantly, the children learn about Jesus and embrace the one true eternal hope. And they’re so happy! It’s amazing to witness the joy they have and how they have merged into a big, happy family. Their children’s home is a such a great model that the Cambodian government points to it as a good example.

Pilot also pastors a thriving church in Takeo province. We love the people so much, and many are coming to the Lord and finding hope.

But Pilot needs help. He works 2-3 jobs to try to feed the kids (about 30 at the moment) since even in Cambodia, feeding and housing that many children is expensive. I would so appreciate your prayers for this precious ministry! And if the Lord leads you, any amount of monetary help you could offer would be a miraculous blessing right now. Even $20 would go a long way.

Here is the link to the webpage on one of the churches that support Pilot’s work. Cambodian Children’s Home

Thank you so much!


Christian Scavenger Hunt Stop #13


Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #13

Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all 31 stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 3 grand prizes!

  • The hunt BEGINS with Stop #1 at Lisa Bergren’s site.
  • Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
  • There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 11/6)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books.
  • Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the clue on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at Stop #31. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!

james-l-rubart-hs-v4-7-26-16tljtjp-coverI’m excited to host James Rubart on my stop. Jim is an amazing author and an all around fun guy to be around! I think you’re going to love his new book! Here’s a little bit about The Long Journey to Jake Palmer: 

What if there was a place where everything wrong in your life could be fixed?

Corporate trainer Jake Palmer coaches people to see deeper into themselves—yet he barely knows himself anymore. Recently divorced and weary of the business life, Jake reluctantly agrees to a lake-house vacation with friends, hoping to escape for ten days.

When he arrives, Jake hears the legend of Willow Lake—about a lost corridor that leads to a place where one’s deepest longings will be fulfilled.

Jake scoffs at the idea, but can’t shake a sliver of hope that the corridor is real. And when he meets a man who mutters cryptic speculations about the corridor, Jake is determined to find the path, find himself, and fix his crumbling life.

But the journey will become more treacherous with each step Jake takes.

Ever Wonder If Your Favorite Novel is Autobiographical?

By James Rubart

Have you ever finished a novel, loved it, then wondered how much of it came straight from the author’s own life? Wondered how much is autobiographical? Me too. Then I became an author and I have the answer—at least for myself.

My novels? All highly autobiographical. I don’t know how to write them any other way.

Personal Journals

My friend, Ted Dekker told me years ago, “My novels are essentially my personal journals in published form. They’re simply the things I’m wrestling with, struggling with, the issues I’m working through in my own life.”

Ding! A light bulb went off when Ted said that, because that’s how I write as well.

I heard eons ago that you have to write for your readers, but that never made sense to me. If I write to what I think you want to read, it won’t come across as gut-level authentic, because it can’t be.

I’d be guessing, trying to whip up emotions and situations that aren’t infused with my own deep conviction or experience.

I can’t write out of pretending. I have to write from that place inside of fear, joy, disappointment, tragedy, triumph, and hope.

The Result

If I do that—dig deep, really deep, to the core of my heart deep—then there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll resonate with the things I’m going through. Because you might be going through some of same struggles.

You’ll see yourself as one of the characters in my novel and you’ll become immersed in what becomes not my story, but your story.

What I Hope For

I have two desires for someone that reads my books: First, wildly entertain them—can’t put the book down type entertainment—and second, help them step into more freedom than they’ve ever known.

To do that, I have to find my own freedom in what I write, find victory over my own battles.

So yes, my ideas, scenes, snippets of conversation, struggles of my characters all come from real life. My life and the lives of those around me. (My wife bought me a sweatshirt that says, “Be Careful, Or You’ll End Up in My Novel”. Yes, that’s happened a few times.)

Your Favorite Novel

So my guess is that any novel that you would call a favorite—a novel that affected you significantly—came from the deep down places in that author’s life.

James L. Rubart is 28 years old, but lives trapped inside an older man’s body. He’s the bestselling, Christy, Carol, INSPY, and RT award winning writer of eight novels and lives with his amazing wife on a small lake in eastern Washington.

Here’s the Stop #13 Skinny: 

You can order Jim’s book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD or at your local bookstore! Amazon Barnes and Noble CBD

Clue to Write Down: that Jesus

Link to Stop #14, the Next Stop on the Loop: James Rubart’s own site! James Rubart

Twilight at Blueberry Barrens

Twilight at Blueberry Barrens

“I need you to keep these girls safe . . .”


Kate Mason has devoted herself to caring for her family’s blueberry barrens. But after her fields stop producing fruit, she’s forced to come up with alternative ways to make a living.


Renting out the small cottage on her property seems an obvious choice, but it won’t be enough. When entrepreneur Drake Newham shows up looking not only for a place to rent but also for a nanny for his two nieces, it’s almost too good to be true. And maybe it is—because Drake brings with him dangerous questions about who might be out to kill his family.


The more time Kate spends with Drake and the girls, the more difficult it becomes to hide her attraction to him. But a family crisis isn’t exactly the ideal time to pursue a romance.


Meanwhile, Kate learns that her uncle—in prison for murder—has escaped. Add to that a local stalker who won’t leave her alone, and Kate is looking over her shoulder at every turn. With threats swirling from multiple directions, she wonders if her blueberry fields will ever flourish again . . . or if this twilight is her last.


Set on the beautiful coast of Maine, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens brings together suspense, romance, and the hope that one day new life will come again.


For links to retailers, click here.

Preorder Price of $4.99 for Twilight at Blueberry Barrens

Twilight at Blueberry Barrens 195 x 300It’s almost time to read Twilight at Blueberry Barrens, the final book in the Sunset Cove series. I can’t wait to share it with you! You can grab the digital version for only $4.99 from all the digital retailers. Go here for links to most of the retailers:

If you’d like to grab a physical copy, my publisher has teamed with to offer an unpublished scene from the series. Go here for that deal:

Brenda Novak had this to say about Twilight at Blueberry Barrens: “Incredible storytelling and intricately drawn characters. You won’t want to miss TWILIGHT AT BLUEBERRY BARRENS!”

It also received a STARRED review from Publishers Weekly! Love and murder pair up effectively in the second Sunset Cove page-turner (following Mermaid Moon). Kate Mason’s blueberry barrens have withered, so offering the cottage on her coastal Maine property to the intriguing Drake Newham and his two nieces offers an attractive alternative source of income for the summer. Playing nanny to the girls helps distract Kate from the trauma of having come across the bodies of Drake’s brother and sister-in-law, the girls’ parents, after an apparent murder-suicide. But Drake’s investigation into those suspicious deaths, along with the puzzling break-ins on her property—is it her escaped convict uncle or an unknown stalker?—keep Kate, and the reader, on edge. The mutual attraction between Kate and Drake is frustrated time and again by the dangers that keep cropping up. The tension, both suspenseful and romantic, is gripping, reflecting Coble’s prowess with the genre. Adding depth and contour to the drama are subtler subplots, most notably Kate’s long struggle with self-worth, complicated by her recent health issues. Her sister, Claire, proves instrumental to Kate’s emotional and spiritual healing. Fans of the series will love seeing Claire and her fiancé, Luke, play strong supporting roles in this installment. (Sept.)
Reviewed on 07/22/2016 | Release date: 09/01/2016 |

Stormcatcher is Out!

Stormcatcher 300Many of you have been asking when the 3rd book in the Great Lakes Legends series would be out, and it’s now available! With its setting in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula it will take you away on vacation.

Here is a little about it:

Uncovering a modern-day crime scene was not how marine archaeologist Wynne Baxter expected to use her diving skills. Yet when handsome family friend Simon Lassiter fell under suspicion in the death of his cousin and former fiancée, Wynne vowed to help him learn the truth, even though it meant risking everything in Superior’s stormy waters.

But a tempest of a different kind was about to fall on the Lassiter family, and Wynne found herself caught up in the maelstrom. Whom could she trust as the clouds of suspicion and danger rolled in over her head?

Hope you enjoy it! ‎


Like Getting an Oscar!

RWR StatsMy buddy Denise Hunter sent this to me yesterday out of the current issue of the Romance Writers of America magazine. I’ve been stunned and disbelieving to be listed among some of my favorite general market authors like Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, Robyn Carr, and Brenda Novak. Wow!

Thank you for the way you share my books with your friends! It makes a huge difference!


CoffeeRoasterIf you follow me on Facebook or know me personally, you know I’m passionate about my coffee. You will pry it from my cold dead fingers! But I’m also very picky about coffee. It has to be organic, and it also has to be roasted with a Dietrich IR roaster. Oh the flavor of coffee roasted that way! It’s bursting with coffee’s wonderful flavor and aroma. I also insist on wet processing because it’s lower in mold. That makes my two favorites Costa Rican and Guatemalan.

My daughter and son-in-law soon picked up my passion for this kind of coffee, and my entrepreneurial son-in-law Mark decided he was going to become a toastmaster. And boy did he! The coffee that comes out of that roaster of is has to be tasted to be believed!

Here is the website for Captain Davy’s Coffee Roasters. Get one of my favorites: Costa Rican or Guatemalan, and let me know what you think! Or try one of Captain Davy’s other premium roasts. You can’t go wrong with them! Even the decaf has fabulous flavor!

Shipping is less per pound if you order 5 pounds at a time so that’s what I do, and I put 4 pounds in my freezer and take out a pound at a time. Hope you love it as much as I do!

All is Calm/All is Bright

AllIsCalmAllIsBright300My new Christmas novella collection is out! We are returning to two of the settings most loved by readers. All is Calm is set back at Bluebird Ranch, and All is Bright is a Hope Beach novella. The synopsis of each novella is below. Hope you love it!

All Is Calm

It’s going to be an unexpectedly romantic Christmas at Bluebird Ranch.

Brendan Waddell has always considered Bluebird Ranch a little piece of heaven: an idyllic ranch that pairs abused children with abused horses, run by one of his Marine buddies. Now, it seems just the place to spend Christmas recovering from an on-the-job injury.

Lauren Everman first came to the ranch as a foster kid, but now knows it’s the perfect hideout. As the witness to a murder, Lauren needs somewhere to lie low. Her beauty immediately catches Brendan’s attention—but so does her secretive behavior. This Special Ops Intel man knows a woman on the run when he sees one. Can he trust her, or is she putting the ranch at risk? One thing is certain: he’s going to do everything he can to keep her safe so he can see what magic Christmas brings.
All Is Bright

A romantic Christmas wedding at Tidewater Inn gives Delilah’s unique gifts a chance to shine. But will her light be snuffed out before the bride and groom say “I do”?

As manager of the Tidewater Inn, Delilah Carter has been planning a spectacular Christmas wedding for her friend, Elin Summerall. But when Delilah’s car is forced off the road and into the ocean, she finally has to admit that the strange phone calls she’s been receiving lately may be more than just pranks.

Sheriff Tom Bourne has always had a soft spot for Delilah, and he’s determined to protect her. He hopes to win her heart by giving her the surprise gift of a lifetime . . . but first he has to make sure nothing happens to her before Christmas Day.

It’s the season of miracles. But will both Elin and Delilah get the ones they need this holiday season?